Wild Mama - Paulina Bolek
I'd love to share with you this video even though I run a lot of insecurity about it because it is far from "perfect". But... this is exactly the reason why I am sharing it - it is a lived experience and evidence of everything that Wild Mama is about..
Here's a bit of a backstory.
I'm working on a secret project at the moment and I needed a theme song for it, so I'd been playing around with some chords. So it happened that Kenneth Berentzen visited us at New Eden - Center for Personal Transformation, and so I got the extra motivation to maybe finish the song and collaborate with him on a video. And so this song was written in a couple of hours on a meadow, guitar strapped over my shoulder, following my son as he was having his morning playtime. What you see in the video is maybe 3rd or 4th time I play the full song in one take. Does it need work? Yes. And that will come. But I love the rawness of it and I'm super grateful to Ken for awesome footage.
"Wild Mama Way" is a way of "good enough", it's a way of doing things that light me up whenever and however I can, in the little spaces in between "daily life" and taking care of my son. It's a way that actively breaks my addiction to perfectionism and it challenges my fear of showing myself exactly as I am in the moment. It's a way of courage, vulnerability, desire and truth. It's a way of the Heart. It's a way of Love.
Visit: wildmama.nl