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zamień swoje marzenie w ekspresję online

ofiarę twojego serca dla świata

Czy jesteś bardzo wrażliwą kobietą solopreneur

chcesz podzielić się swoim prezentem online?


Zagubiony w chaosie?

Nie masz pojęcia, od czego zacząć?

web design triad offer (3).png

Coaching i Internet Projekt do
Odblokuj i udostępnijTwój prezent

Coś ekstra…

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projekt wizualny +




wewnętrzny wzrost



Wyrażanie Ciebie i Twojej pracy w Internecie ma znaczenie.

To jestIkameralny...

i chodzi omagia połączenia poprzez energetyczne oddziaływanie.

Gdy ludzie trafiają na Twoją stronę główną lub oglądają Twoje kanały w mediach społecznościowych,

chcesz, żeby czuli…


Nic więcej, nic mniej.. 

I dla wielu z nas tak jestDokładniegdzie leży wyzwanie: 

w bezpardonowym pokazywaniu się światu,

zajmując naszą przestrzeń i pozwalając, by nasz głos został usłyszany. 


Tutaj wchodzę ja. 


Wykorzystuję swoje umiejętności coachingowe i przewodnickie, aby wzmocnić Twoją ekspresję. 

Poświęcam czas na słuchanie, czucie, refleksję i pomoc w wyjaśnieniu Twojej wizji. Identyfikujemy luki i przeszkody i pracujemy nad nimi. Staję się interpretatorem i tłumaczem tej wizji na pejzaż wizualny.


Razem działamy na rzecz alchurzeczywistniać swoje pomysły

w internetowe wyrażenie ofiary twojego serca dla świata.

Here's what I do for you

Get Clear on Your Vision: We start by delving deep into your purpose and offerings, ensuring clarity and alignment.

Visual Design Translation: I'll use my creative genius to craft a visually inspiring and original website that reflects your energetic blueprint.


Provide Structure: Together, we'll build a solid structure for your website, ensuring a seamless and captivating user experience.


Design & Build the Website: I'll handle the technicalities and bring your website to life, so you can focus on sharing your gifts with the world.


Ongoing Support: Throughout the process, I'll be by your side, empowering you to take action and stay motivated.


Embrace Your Online Presence: I'll guide you to show yourself fearlessly online, creating a space where your authenticity shines.


Encourage Persistence: As the process might bring up challenges and blockages, I'll support you to keep going and not give up.

Empowerment for After: You won't be dependent on me for every little detail. I'll equip you to run your website independently with confidence.


Focus on Coaching: Yes, I build the website, but the true essence of my offer lies in empowering your self-expression through coaching.

My clients:

Multi-Passionate Women: All my clients share a passion for various pursuits, driven by their diverse interests.


Highly Sensitive People: Empathy and sensitivity are common traits among those I've worked with.


Overwhelmed by Tech: If you find web design and technology daunting, I'll simplify the process for you.


In Need of Concrete Guidance: Many of my clients struggled with translating their visions into tangible products.


Starting from Chaos: Whether you're an established professional or a new project starter, I help you find your starting point.


Personal Development/Coaching Industry: My expertise aligns perfectly with clients in this industry.


Seeking Empathic Support: I provide a safe space to embrace the chaos and make it a part of the creative process.

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słowa uznania

Sylvie Fröhlicher

Jestem głęboko wdzięczna Paulinie za magię w tworzeniu mojej strony internetowej. Walczyłem przez długi czas i okazało się, że zwlekam i nie jestem w stanie przenieść treści mojej nowej oferty – projektu tak bliskiego mojemu sercu – do formatu, którym mógłbym podzielić się ze światem. Zdolność Pauliny do utrzymania struktury, jej twórczy geniusz i pełne miłości współczucie dla skurczów i wstrząsów, którym musiałem stawić czoła po drodze, pozwoliły mi w krótkim czasie założyć stronę internetową. Jeśli masz problem ze stworzeniem swojej strony internetowej - ona jest idealna!

poprzednie projekty 
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który jest dla ciebie?
[empty] Self-Intimacy-desktop website (1350 × 2000 px)_edited.png


Powerful Coaching Sessions: expert coaching and strategy sessions, empowering you to unleash your true potential and craft a compelling online presence. Need more time? Additional hours are available for an extra charge!


Stunning Website Design: A captivating website that showcases your brilliance. You'll receive a beautifully designed Landing Page, Services/Offer Page, About Me Page, and an Extra Page, should you need it – all meticulously crafted to reflect your unique essence.


Mobile Responsive: Your website will seamlessly adapt to any device, ensuring an optimal user experience for your visitors, whether they're on desktop, tablet, or mobile.


Basic SEO: Enhance your online visibility with basic Search Engine Optimization, making it easier for potential clients to find you and explore your offerings.


Cookie Consent Banner: Stay compliant with privacy regulations while reassuring your visitors that their data is respected and secure.


Technical Setup Made Easy: Leave the technicalities to me! I'll take care of your domain and website hosting setup if needed, making the process seamless and stress-free.


Support with Copy & Content: Crafting compelling content can be challenging, but fear not! I'm here to assist you in creating engaging and impactful copy that resonates with your audience.


Master Your Website: I believe in empowering you, which is why I'll provide basic skills training to confidently manage your website once our journey is complete.


Revision Rounds: Your satisfaction is my priority. Enjoy up to 3 rounds of revisions to ensure your website exceeds your expectations.


Live Online in 8-12 Weeks: Witness your vision come to life in no time! Your fully functional website will be live and ready to impress within 8 to 12 weeks.



Legal Documents: While I can point you to valuable resources, creating your Privacy Statement & Terms and Conditions will be your responsibility.


Domain & Hosting Costs: Domain names and hosting services are essential but separate expenses. Don't worry, I'll guide you through the process and help you make informed decisions.


Website Hosting Costs: To bring you the best results, I work with WIX web design platform, known for its user-friendly interface and powerful features. Check out the WIX Premium plans to get an idea of the cost.

WHAT I DON'T DO aka Small Print:

If you possess the ability to handle certain tasks independently and seek prompt and efficient execution, I recommend engaging a tech-savvy professional on freelance platforms. They often offer competitive rates and quicker turnaround times compared to my services. My approach emphasizes the coaching journey and empowering your self-expression, making our collaboration more focused on transformative growth rather than simply executing isolated tasks.


Experiment with Other Platforms: Experimenting with various website platforms can be a time-consuming endeavor, and each platform comes with its own set of strengths and limitations. My area of expertise lies primarily in utilizing the Wix platform, so you'll need to embrace this platform to work with me. By staying within the Wix ecosystem, we can avoid potential technical hurdles and maximize the efficiency of the website design process. It enables us to focus on the coaching aspect of our work together, where I empower you to express your authentic self and unleash the magic of your offerings to the world. 


Cutting-Edge Marketing Techniques: My central focus is on the coaching journey that leads to your website, rather than the latest marketing trends. While cutting-edge marketing techniques are constantly evolving and can be valuable for some businesses, my central focus is on the coaching journey that leads to the creation of your website. I believe that before diving into marketing strategies, it is essential to establish a strong foundation rooted in self-expression, clarity of purpose, and authentic branding. Through our coaching sessions, we will delve deep into your vision, offerings, and personal growth, ensuring that your website becomes a true reflection of your heart's calling and resonates deeply with your audience.

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